UPSC Interview Transcript of Amar Basna (2017)

It was a long night, I could not sleep properly. I got up by the sound of lightning at 5 Am.
I called my friends Akash Purohit ( AIR 216) and Shravan asked them to meet me and discuss the newspaper. After completing newspaper Akash said nowadays UPSC interview boards asking about your observation while coming here. So he forced me to walk for 2 km from Akbar road to Dholpur house so that I can observe something.
Entering into the house of the Devil:::
After paper verification, I was asked to sit in a circular hall. I was waiting for my turn, then a messenger of Saturn called me... Amar!!! And I followed him. After 25-30 steps he stopped in front of E-16 room no. (Smita Nagaraj Ma'am).
The Interview:::
1137 hrs to 1226 hrs = 50 mins (approximately)
Me - May I come in, ma'am?
CM- please come in, Amar.
Me - Good morning, ma'am, sir.
CM- please sit down.
Me- thank you, ma'am.
CM- So Mr. Amar why your optional (History) is different from your graduation subjects (political science, sociology, public administration)?
Me- Ma'am, I didn't have that much knowledge depth in graduation subjects.
CM- Then, how you learned History for upsc?
ME- I divided history into three parts Social history, Administrative history and political history. So I never had this feeling of changing the subject.
CM- Indian railways were a gift to Indians by British Raj. Do you Agree?
Me- No, ma'am, Whatever British did in India it was in their own interest.
A. By making a railroad in India they got the access to the Indian market.
B. They can now conquer remote areas of India. Because now they can mobilize their army.
C. They can handle any revolt across the subcontinent.
D. Even if there were some benefits to the Indian community, they were unintended.
CM- How 1st industrial revolution happened?
Me- Answered.
CM- 4th industrial revolution?
Me- Answered
CM- What is AI, VR, Blockchain?
Me- Answered.
CM- Free trade agreement with India by the crown was fair?
Me- No Ma'am. It was just meant to have opened the doors of India for every Britishers. So that they can participate in this great loot event.
CM -which part history you like most?
Me- Ma'am, modern India - freedom struggle.
CM- Gandhi ji's Ahimsa said, but India is a nuclear power. Do not you think that we are not following Gandhi anymore?
Me- Ma'am, we are on the path of Ahimsa because we never differed from it. Because Gandhi Ji said, "Ahimsa is the weapon of powerful and brave ones not for the coward and weak." Even though we are a nuclear power but our nuclear policy "no first use " is Gandhian. And nuclear weapons are itself gives a guarantee of peace.
Member 1-
1. What is the difference between Chemical weapons and biological weapons?
Me- Answered.
2. Treaty for Chemical weapons?
Answer- Sorry sir, I don't know.
3. Which nation is having biological weapons make a smart guess then answer and justify your answer?
Ans- Sir, North Korea might have them. Because after a series of failed nuclear tests, there was the art of war on them. So they might have the backup.
"Everyone laughed"
[CM- I hope you didn't advise the American government at the time of Saddam... Laughter]
4. 3rd world war will be fought for water, what do you think?
Me- Answered. [It can be]
6. China is making the only run of river dams, what is the proof which says it's a lie?
Me- Sir, they haven't shared the river water data with us since past 1.5 years. Recently they shared old and incomplete data which indicated their malicious intent.
1. What would be happened if we got our freedom through revolutionary activities?
Me- It would not be good. Because we had 500+ princely states, more than one religion, caste, linguistic and cultural identities. And if we got the freedom in this way everybody would force the government through the revolution in order to get their aspirations.
2. Bhagat Singh is loved in Pakistan also why?
Me- Birthplace - 1. Layalpur, Pakistan. 2. Secular leader. 3. Nojawan Bart Sabha worked in United Punjab provinces.
1. What is Red Tapism?
Me- Answered
2. Why we read history?
Me- Answered
3. Give me 3 example to prove that history has a solution for our future or present problems?.
A.Town planning and sanitation - Indus valley urbanization plan
B. Tolerance - Ashoka's Dhamma
C.Dealing with inflation - Khalji's Market reforms
CM- Bureaucracy is responsible for corruption. What do you think Amar?
Me- Ma'am, whole bureaucracy is not corrupt. And there are two more stakeholders in corruption. A. Political system B. Society
CM- What is the relation between society and corruption?
Me- Ma'am, Bureaucrats and Politicians come from the society only. In our society, we have acceptance of corruption that's why they are corrupt.
CM- But in Western nations, there is less corruption as compared to India why?
Me- Ma'am, In a developing nation states function are wide from sanitation to education to nutrition to health care and so on. And ma'am, our human resource development level is poor, so the awareness levels are also not good. Due to this, we have leakages.
1. The Argumentative Indian, have you read this book?
Me- No Ma'am, I have not read it.
2. Who was the author?
Me- Amartya Sen.
Member- If you didn't read it how you know the name. (I said ma'am people read it for essay paper)
3. Who is Amartya Sen, work, prize etc?
Me- Answered.
Cm- Thank you, Amar, your interview is over.
There were a few more questions which I don't remember.
I think I did my best now result will be declared on 28 April…. fingers are crossed.
Source- Quora
Source- Quora