Friday 6 September 2019

How do I improve my writing skills for the UPSC?

How do I improve my writing skills for the UPSC?

By Abinash Mishra, IAS
How do I improve my writing skills for the UPSC?

Before jumping to answer writing start reading editorials. Editorials of the Hindu, Indian Express. Look how they articulate a topic.
Compile the summary statements 2–3 lines of each editorials in one note or evernote.
Start making Small, precise notes.
You can find multiple youtube videos on how to make notes. Watch Akshat Jain rank 2’s video on note making.
You can write a good answer only when you have good content. So before writing, read and revise.
Download vision IAS topper's answers from its website.
First try writing on your own, and then see how toppers' write.
Note down where you can improve and try this point in next answer.
  1. Answer in point format, avoid paragraph
  2. Practice a lot. At least 2–3 answer writing daily. Discipline is important.
  3. Write answers and show it your friend and teacher for feedback. It helps. You can write answers on insight on India. In
  4. You can practice more answers in skeleton format. Just the key points and introduction - conclusion
  1. Enroll yourself in Mains test series. Vision IAS and Forum IAS are good or Vajiram and Ravi .
  2. If you can not afford then buy test series booklets and answers from market or else download it from Xaam. in. Practice it on your own
Step-7: How to score high
Divide the question into various parts. More sub-headings you have and the more structured the answer is, more will be the score.
Let's try two questions :
Question -1: How to double farm income?
Instead of writing random 4–5 points, let's structure it:
  1. Reduce input cost: seed cost, fertilizer cost, labor cost and all
  2. Enhance output cost: better market linkage, less wastage of farm produce, value addition etc
  3. Diversify income: animal rearing, food processing etc.
Question -2: How can we improve india's livestock sector?
Instead of writing general answers let's structure it:
  1. Dairy farming: issues and opportunities
  2. Poultry: issues and opportunities
  3. Fishery: issues and opportunities
  4. Sheep and goats: issues and opportunities
  5. Bee keeping and all: issues and opportunities