Saturday 28 September 2019

UPSC Interview Transcript of Tanu Jain

UPSC Interview Transcript of Tanu Jain

UPSC Interview Transcript of Tanu Jain

My own interview transcript for 2017 for helping in your preparation.
Tanu Jain
Board: Smita nagraj mam
7 March 2018
CM: Tanu sits, please sit.
CM: Tanu you are a dr, so many people must be asking you to give free consultations.
CM: How your interest started in civil services after BDS.
CM: You said you got inspired by a speech of civil servant, Are we e influenced by others?
CM: Did you like your job of a doctor or just wanted to leave it?
CM: Tanu do you think one is able to do something new in office?
M1: People are ignorant about the value of oral hygiene. how is it connected to overall health?
M1: Did you do anything to integrate your knowledge of oral health and your job of defence?
M1: what is tooth to tail ratio of the army?
M1: is it good or bad?
M1: should Indian army be given so many facilities like ration etc?
M1: Is it not wasteful as they are also working as others?
M1: should such a huge army be given OROP when others are not given?
M2: Do you think cosmetic surgery prevalent now days is good for health?
M2: You talked abt respect of civil servants but is it not the opposite where cs get abused by people or politician?
M2: what should a cs do if abused. Should all of them come together and resort to unionism?
M2: what if you are MP for look sabha and opposition leader hits you with paper balls. Should you call the police?
M3: Tanu explain PNB issue in detail? With analysis of all stakeholders?
M3: some more clarifications on the role of RBI?
M4: Do you know abt triservice command?
M4: why is it imp to have this in Andamans?
M4: should we not develop tourism there? But the army is not allowing this in the name of security?
CM: what short story you wrote last?
CM: I mean what topic? (I answered the child labour)
CM: what is the definition of child in Indian laws.
CM: What industries employ child labour?
CM: should child labour be legalized as already prevalent?
CM: Thank you Tanu, your interview is over.
Some personal observations for interview :
  • Board was very cordial and warm.
  • Smita mam has a nice smile, so one will not feel pressure.
  • Be confident and calm ( I know you have heard it million times from every tom dick and harry. Yet it is still the basic mantra to face interviews)
  • Try to build a conversation and enjoy talking to them. Only then will you be able to perform at your best.
  • Remember your greatness cannot be defined by just an exam. If you deserve it you will get it. Don't be overwhelmed by the interview scenario.
  • Smile but don't overdo it as it is a formal conversation.
  • PRAY it may not be for asking God to help you but just to increase your spiritual calmness, as it gets reflected in your attitude.